mobile numbers featured

Your mobile number will be of 11 digits but how, trai made it clear

Recently there were many such media reports according to which it was being denied that the entire mobile number will be 11 digits, then the regulator has made it clear..

mobile numbers

Telecom regulator “TRAI” has suggested changing the existing 10 digit mobile numbers to 11 digits. According to this, it may be mandatory to put 0 before calling the mobile numbers from landline, so that the mobile number will be of 11 digits.

So why it was needed? According to the regulator, the 10 digit mobile number has a capacity of 210 crore connections while about 125 crore mobile connections have already been given. Therefore, in future this data may fall and a big problem may arise.

As per regulator, if the number of digits in the mobile numbers will be 11, then it can be given 10 billion mobile numbers, and if used only 70% of this number, then still seven billion mobile numbers will be available.

In its recommendations, the regulator has also said to take the numbers distributed for the dongle to 13 digits.

Recently there were many such media reports according to which it was being denied that the entire mobile number will be 11 digits, then the regulator has made it clear that only 0 will be added in the beginning, which will bring the total to 11 digits.

In future also, only 10 digits mobile numbers will continue to be found, just a 0 may have to be applied at the beginning of them to raech out.

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